Trying to be open and proactive vs. familiar and routine. Want to do more but the constraints of financial responsibilities and costs are draining. Exploring the edge while walking the edge. A tough act to balance, but I think it comes down to prioritizing and simplifying.
#SceneReport TGIF 05.19.17
As I peddle back from yoga, I stop at an intersection's red light. A small elderly woman clutching a plastic water bottle waits to cross in front of me at the sidewalk's edge. Adjacent, a group of yellow-vested construction workers jackhammer away under a sun that is already hot at 9:36AM. Pond's "30,000 Megatons" plays in my earbuds. Sometimes I wonder if we are inching closer to a time in history where the term "megatons" might be seen in the news with increasing frequency. The crosswalk turns green and the woman shuffles out into the road, meeting a homeless man carrying his wares at the halfway point. She deftly hands the water bottle to the homeless man in one fluid motion and they exchange the subtlest of nods and smiles without breaking stride. The light turns green, the men jackhammer away, and I peddle on into a Friday that will surely be a good day.
Ate too many gummies today and my stomach aches.
Chinatown Revelation
Yesterday, I found out I was born with one kidney. I hope I don't get punched where I am not whole.
For Real This Time; In A Garden, Awakened...
The last post was last year on July 4th. Oy vey.
This time I promise to post more, after feeling especially inspired upon purchasing a new digital camera: the Fujifilm X-T2. Still trying to figure out the nuances of it and use it more. Saving for a better lens too...
I've gotten the chance to test it out on various trips as of late: Vasquez Rocks for a Jam in the Van event, hiking to the Deep Creek Hot Springs, shooting a music video on a Malibu beach, hiking around Ascot Hills and Laguna Beach and most recently--just the other day in fact--a sublime trip to the Huntington Botanical Gardens in Pasadena. An endlessly beautiful place that I highly recommend checking out (all photos below shot at the gardens).
Please do come back and take a gander at this blog section. As frequently as your mindless work breaks allow!
I've recently been using this meditation app called "Headspace" (which I also highly recommend) and currently, I'm working through the 30-session "Creativity" pack. After finding the "creative spark" within ourselves and visualizing its ceaseless expansion outwards, beyond the body and into the world and universe, there's come a point where lovable Andy instructs the user to write or doodle something 2-3 times a day, without thinking too much--without purpose or self-consciousness. Looking back at the scribblings isn't recommended: the idea is to just dump it on the page in that present moment and let it be.
So instead of carrying a journal and pen around with me, my goal is to post a photograph or two in this blog on a consistent basis, accompanied by a possibly/but-probably-not related written thought or feeling.
NYE x NYC (not broke, why fix)
Ever since my dear friend Claire started attending Hunter College in NYC many years ago, I’ve made my way down to The Big City (solo and with cohorts) to experience the delirious energy that is unique to New York as two years bleed together. Since this tradition started, even more friends have made New York City their home. My memories from these trips have always been happy.
Unfortunately, I am only able to see some of these friends maybe once a year, and I find that time flies by faster (not cool) when it is measured by milestones ("oh wow, I've been at this shit job for a year already?!”) and the aforementioned reunions. I get nostalgic insomuch that I don’t want to lose my grasp of the Past and its components that have shaped me into who I am today. Why forget something or someone when you can still use that knowledge, those emotions, to navigate the world?
I do not like to proclaim my New Years Resolutions because I believe actions are stronger than words and the world is filled with enough pseudo-science, emotionally-driven op-eds as it is. BUT! I was inspired the other day by my good friend Jake—who I am immensely proud of—and the piece he published on Medium entitled I Stayed In On The Last Night of 2015 to Plan For The Start of 2016. The piece provided a nice (nice=neat+concise in this case, which has become an increasingly rare occurrence online…) breakdown of what it takes to set goals and to see them through.
Alas, considering one of my goals is to write more (blog posts, screenplays, scenes, letters, postcards, napkin scribbles, phone notes) I’ve decided to share some of my New Years Resolutions/Goals (attempting to utilize Jake’s points) as they occurred to me on the six-hour bus ride back from Brooklyn last night:
- Write More (as in: don’t be afraid to/not allowed to quantify)
- Use Social Media Less (not pulling the holier-than-thou card, just use it in smarter, more bull-shit filtering ways)
- Drink More Water (because it’s never a bad thing, unless you drown yourself)
- Lower my high blood pressure/high cholesterol to below 120/80 and 200mg/dL respectively by cutting back on sodium, meat and dairy/condiments (so I don’t die and my doctor gets off my case already)
- Read 13 books (read 12 books last year, so it’s only onwards and upwards from here…follow me on Goodreads)
- Collaborate with Others in Art (make a film, shoot photography and create other works that I am proud of)
- Ask more questions (in the field and on the job, with friends or coworkers, so that I may learn more and not regret being timid)
- Learn 3 software programs beneficial to my professional development (it’s a cyber world baby)
- Balance Fitness Better (cardio, yoga, strength, meditation, nutrition, hoopin')
- Skateboard more, snowboard more…hell, even surf more (all 3 in one day, very doable)
- Call friends and family more/send more letters and notes (communication requires due-diligence)
PS - Some phone pix from NYE in NYC, coming full circle, as this is primarily a photography website :)))