The last post was last year on July 4th. Oy vey.
This time I promise to post more, after feeling especially inspired upon purchasing a new digital camera: the Fujifilm X-T2. Still trying to figure out the nuances of it and use it more. Saving for a better lens too...
I've gotten the chance to test it out on various trips as of late: Vasquez Rocks for a Jam in the Van event, hiking to the Deep Creek Hot Springs, shooting a music video on a Malibu beach, hiking around Ascot Hills and Laguna Beach and most recently--just the other day in fact--a sublime trip to the Huntington Botanical Gardens in Pasadena. An endlessly beautiful place that I highly recommend checking out (all photos below shot at the gardens).
Please do come back and take a gander at this blog section. As frequently as your mindless work breaks allow!
I've recently been using this meditation app called "Headspace" (which I also highly recommend) and currently, I'm working through the 30-session "Creativity" pack. After finding the "creative spark" within ourselves and visualizing its ceaseless expansion outwards, beyond the body and into the world and universe, there's come a point where lovable Andy instructs the user to write or doodle something 2-3 times a day, without thinking too much--without purpose or self-consciousness. Looking back at the scribblings isn't recommended: the idea is to just dump it on the page in that present moment and let it be.
So instead of carrying a journal and pen around with me, my goal is to post a photograph or two in this blog on a consistent basis, accompanied by a possibly/but-probably-not related written thought or feeling.